Child Health Nursing Department

Asst.Prof.Kaewkarn Suearam
Assistant Professor Kaewkarn Sueram is the Lead of the Neonatal and Pediatric Nursing Research Cluster. She graduated from the Master of Nursing Science Program in Family Nursing at the Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University, Thailand in 2001. She has two primary areas of research within chronic care nursing and education. Within chronic care, she is focusing on nursing care for pediatric patients with respiratory disorders emphasizing pneumonia. She is the author of the book, Nursing Care of Children with Respiratory Disorders. Assistant Professor Kaewkarn is an expert in nursing care for children with neuro disorders such as cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Her educational research has led to improvements in early childhood nursing, specifically of problematic behaviors of childhood. Moreover, she is a leader in classroom research.
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Asst.Prof.Dr.Atchariya Wonginchan
Assistant Professor Dr. Atchariya Wonginchan is a pediatric health promotion nurse researcher. The population of her study are pediatric patients and family members. Her research focuses on behavioral and psychological studies that include fear, stress, coping, well-being, self-regulation, self-efficacy, executive function, case management and providing information. Moreover, she conducts research related to instrument development.

Asst.Prof.Dr.Juraporn Tangpukdee
Assistant Professor Dr. Juraporn Tangpukdee (Paula) graduated from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Newcastle, Australia in 2011. She has been working with pediatric critical care nurses and has several health promotion research programs with interdisciplinary collaboration focuses on improving clinical outcomes for children with cardiovascular disorders. She is currently working with the department Children and Youth, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security to promote the quality of life for disadvantaged children and support the foster project.

Chuthamas Payjapoh
Chuthamas Payjapoh is a lecturer at the Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. She received her Bachelor of Nursing Science from Khon Kaen University and her Master’s Degree in Nursing (Pediatric Nursing) from Mahidol University. She has many years of clinical, teaching, and research experience with newborns, children, and their families. Her past research has centered on post open heart surgery care behaviors among caregivers of newborns up to 5 years of age. Her current research interests currently focus on improving maternal, child and infant health outcomes. In addition, she has additional research interests in the risk factors and social determinants of health contributing to adverse health outcomes (NICU admission and infant morbidities) among children and infants, which can inform interventions to improve health outcomes.

Asst.Prof.Dr.Prakaikeaw Siripoon
Dr. Prakaikaew Siripoon is a lecturer in the Child Health Nursing department. She is responsible for teaching students in bachelor’s degree programs and Programs of Nursing Specialty in critically ill Neonatal and Pediatric patients. She is experienced nursing care for chronically ill pediatric patients with conditions such as cancer, epilepsy and chronic conditions as well as end-of-life care for children who receiving palliative care. In addition, Dr. Prakaikaew also has experience in research with community health systems, early childhood care in the community and community health services for children with chronic conditions. This focus aims to build knowledge fosters the development of hospital-to-home care. She has recently begun to develop research with specialist nurses in hospitals to study the care behavior of caregivers of pediatric epilepsy patients and to develop educational programs and discharge planning programs for promotion of self-care among children and their families.

Dr.Uraiwan Haungthaisong
With more than 7 years of experience working in the heart center as a nurse focused on pediatric cardiology nursing care, Uraiwan Sroiudom has developed extensive knowledge and experience in nursing. Upon graduating with a Master’s Degree in Nursing Science, she dedicated here efforts to pediatric nursing. She also supervises nursing students in the area of pediatric congenital heart disease, leading to work on how to improve quality of life for pediatric patients and their families.

Khunkamon Lardsena
Khunkamon Lardsena is an instructor in the Child Health Nursing academic branch of the Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University. She has experience working as a pediatric critical nurse at Queen Sirikit Heart Center of The Northeast Hospital for eight years. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Nursing Science and Master of Nursing Science in Pediatric Nursing. She is currently studying in the Ph.D. program at the Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University. Her Ph.D. dissertation is focused on the instrumental development of early childhood wellbeing. She has additional research interests are in the area of neonatal and pediatric critical care, pain and symptom management, as well as child development and wellbeing, child-rearing practices and instrument development.

Narida Rattana-umpa
Narida Rattana-umpa is currently serving as a pediatric nurse lecturer. She has clinical experience in both early childhood health promotion settings and early childhood pediatric nursing in critical and chronic care settings. These experiences have been the driving foundation of research interests focusing on early childhood development, child-rearing, and the prevention of infectious diseases in children. Preschool-age child-rearing is my thesis experience. Lecturer Rattana-umpa has experience with research projects and publications focused on atypical development in nine-month-age infants (receiving support from the young researcher development project of Khon Kaen University).

Phawantree Ponyiem
Phawantree Ponyiem is a member of the Neonatal and Pediatric Nursing Research Cluster. She graduated from the Master of Nursing Science Program in Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Khonkaen University, Thailand in 2019. Since, her work has focused on pediatric patients with chronic illness. Her current research focuses on improving Quality of Life outcomes for children and adolescents with cancer, symptom management, holistic care, and spiritual care for children with end-of-life conditions. In addition, she has additional research interests regarding mindfulness to promote well-being, complementary and alternative nursing in children and adolescents.